Vladyslav Oksentiuk

Software Developer, Mentor, Team Lead, Consultant

vlad.oksentiuk@gmail.com - +38 050 845 69 34

Current tech stack

Recent Experience


spring 2017 - present

Tool for facilitators and participants of self improvement workshops

My role:

Team Lead, Full-stack developer


3 Developers, 1 QA, 1 PM, 1 Consultant


- Full app refactoring. Use Apollo/GraphQL instead of Meteor DDP pub/sub. Replace Blaze with React.

- In terms of management started using Scrum at full power.

- Optimized back-end code and DB usage. It drastically increased concurrent users capacity in the app and stabilized it.

- Improved NGINX and HAProxy configs.

- Implemented end-to-end capacity testing environment via Redline13.


Meteor, GraphQL, Apollo, MongoDB, Redis, React, Redux, Scss, Jest, TestCafe

HippoRent, WeFindArt

autumn 2016 - spring 2017

Tools-intermediaries between tenant/buyer and landlort/seller in different business areas

My role:

Full-stack developer


2 Developers, 1 QA, 1 PM


- Helped Product owner to analyze market and extract the most prioritized features for prototypes/MVPs.

- Implemented uniform and reusable payment system based on Stripe.

- Created prototypes and MVPs faster then expected.


NodeJS, MongoDB, React, Redux, Less, Webpack, Stripe, Auth0


summer 2016 - autumn 2016

Tool that helps farmers manage the feeding their herds, grazing and mowing their paddocks, based on by user’s data and the a set of formulas

My role:

Team Lead, Full-stack developer


3 Developers, 1 QA, 1 PM


- Integrated payments platform - MOLLIE.

- Implemented UI for formulas programming.


JavaScript, Meteor, MongoDB, Blaze, Mollie


autumn 2015 - summer 2016

Place that unites people who are looking for individuals in a specific fields for a specific task at particular time and place; and professionals who are looking for a part-time job

My role:

Team Lead, Full-stack developer


4 Developers, 1 QA, 1 PM, 1 UX designer


- Implemented uniform calendar with various integrations.

- Team productivity has been increasing from sprint to sprint.


Meteor, MongoDB, React, Scss, Jasmine


summer 2014 - autumn 2015

CRM system with integrated loyalty program for small and medium businesses

My role:

Full-stack developer


6 Developers, 1 QA, 1 PM, 1 UX designer


- Created visual programming editor based on Blockly. Users can use it for programming sale scripts and client engagement activities.

- Implemented custom caching and statistics system.


Ruby, Rails, CoffeeScript, Meteor, Blaze, React, Blockly, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Stylus

Last updated: November 2018